Aging Committee Charge

Committee on Aging – Committee Charge

Authorization & Accountability

The Committee on Aging is authorized by and accountable to the Board of Directors of the NASW CT Chapter.


The Committee’s purpose is to provide a professional network of social workers that are interested in issues relevant to aging. The Committee meets for collegial support and to address aging issues across a variety of practice settings.

Time Frame

The Committee is a standing committee of the Connecticut Chapter.

Members, Terms and Criteria

  • All Committee members must be NASW members in good standing.
  • The Committee Chairperson and/or co-chairperson shall be appointed by the Chapter President
  • Committee membership shall be on a voluntary ongoing basis. No term limits are applicable.
  • When members join or leave, the Chapter staff must be notified.

Committee Goals

  • Provide educational opportunities in the field of gerontological social work for professional development and enhancement of skills.
  • Collaborate with Connecticut schools of social work to develop programs in gerontological and medical social work.
  • Form a Speakers Bureau in the field of geriatric social work to be a resource for NASW and/or the larger community.
  • Address and engage in legislative policies related to aging issues and gerontological social work including, but not limited to, coalition building with local, state and national organizations in the field of aging in order to strengthen and expand the social work power base.
  • Engage in outreach activities to raise awareness about aging issues and gerontological social work as a field of practice. Outreach will include, but is not limited to, member and practitioner recruitment.
  • Provide a forum to address ethical issues that can arise in the practice of geriatric social work.